Arabica coffee cultivated by the Equipo de Mujeres Rurales de San Alberto which currently includes 25 producers. The creation of this association was a very important step for mutual help in production. Cultivation takes place without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. The coffee is harvested by hand, washed and fermented between 18 and 26 hours and dried in the sun on patios. The result is a cup with a medium and velvety body with chocolate aromas, notes of strawberry and acidity reminiscent of blood orange. Persistent caramel aftertaste.
Cupping score 85.5
Double espresso RECIPE
17g of ground coffee
34g of espresso in a cup
24 seconds of extraction
Water temperature: 94°C
Giovannacci Caffè's shipments it's a real deal. For Italy, choose as many products you wish and the shipping fee stays €6. If your order is over €60, the shipment is free. For Europe, shipment fee is €10. If your order is over €95, the shipment is free. For the UK the shipment fee is €34 - free if your order is over €200.
Caffè incredibile e progetto valido, siete semre sul pezzo, numeri 1
Come da titolo,
Caffè perfetto, livello tostatura ottimale, lo uso in grani a casa con mio macinino on demand ed è perfetta la crema che ottengo in tazzi, bravissimi siete sempre sul pezzo, siete i numeri uno in assoluto !