Returns procedure
If you are not fully satisfied with your order you have 14 days from delivery to return it. Please select "Returns", and follow the instructions.
If the reason for the return is due to our error (such as if the product is defective or not what you ordered), after confirmation by our staff you should follow this return procedure.
We will send you an email accepting your return request and tell you how to pack and ship the product without having to pay postage. Our courier, GLS, will pick up the parcel from an agreed address.
In other cases (such as if the product does not suit you) you will have to pay the shipping costs and accept responsibility for returning it.
The right of return or replacement is only valid for items still in the condition in which they were received, unused and with all tags attached. We reserve the right not to accept products from a single order, if they are returned and delivered at different times.
To make a request to return a product, follow these instructions:
If you are a registered user:
- Login (username / password), and follow the instructions.
Your refund will be by the same method as your payment.
If you are an anonymous user:
- Go to "Returns" on our website and follow the instructions.
As above, the refund will be by the same means you used to purchase the product.
In both cases, we will refund your total expenditure, but not any shipping costs
If the goods are replaced with items that cost less, we will need your IBAN account details to make a refund. We can only refund the difference in price between products, not the cost of packing and shipping.
If we have to replace your order with items that cost more, you can pay the difference with bank transfer, credit card or Paypal to Giovannacci Caffè.